Clinton Health Access Initiative Hawassa, Ethiopia
Company Description:
CHAI Ethiopia carries out a wide range of programs to support the Ministry of Health of Ethiopia in improving the health status of the country by ensuring access and quality of health services. We are committed to increasing our effectiveness through an innovative programming approach that optimizes quality, impact and scale. Being the largest CHAI field office worldwide, we currently employ over 150 staff working in the following 08 programs: The Ethiopian Hospital Management Initiative (EHMI), Maternal and Newborn Health (MNH), Access to Medicine, Lab Services, Vaccines Introduction, Nutrition, Child survival, and Global Health Financing. With government partner, CHAI Ethiopia is currently in process of starting up a program to address key drivers of child mortality with focus on improving access to live saving commodities. The program is positioned to address the challenges based on priority services delivery areas of Child health through optimization of procurement supply chain management in collaboration with the Government of Ethiopia with focus on pneumonia and diarrhea. As such, reducing pneumonia and diarrhea morbidity and mortality in under- 5 children in Ethiopia through sustained availability of life saving commodities will be the key focus with this CHAI program.